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Sometimes being pregnant or being a mother isn't what you expect it to be. Many women report feeling low or anxious during pregnancy, but think this is just due to hormonal changes or tiredness. How you feel during your pregnancy can affect both you and your baby, and often counselling helps people realise where these feelings come from. Being anxious or depressed during pregnancy is more common than we think, and getting help at this stage is a great way to start your relationship with your unborn child as it can help change patterns of thinking that you didn't even realise were there.  Counselling in pregnancy has been shown to help reduce the likelihood of developing post-natal depression whether or not you have a diagnosed mental health issue in pregnancy.


Sarah Wheatley provides counselling for all aspects of parenthood, including pre and postnatal depression and anxiety, infertility, adoption & baby loss. She works both online and face to face in order to accommodate different needs. When it is appropriate, Sarah uses video interaction guidance and newborn observation therapies to help parents to build their confidence and overcome any difficulties they might experience  in their relationship with their babies.


For more information on Sarah's work and services visit her website Birth & Beyond






Founded in 2015 by a group of mums in Edinburgh who all have personal experience of perinatal mental health difficulties, they support mums through:



Their main aim is to help mums with perinatal mental health difficulties realise that they're not alone in how they feel and what they feel is a very real illness​.


For more information please visit Juno



Birth Trauma Scotland has been founded by Midwives Gemma & Miriam who between them have supported thousands of parents during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Birth Trauma is post traumatic stress disorder after childbirth, which if left untreated can cause postnatal depression.


Tokophobia is an extreme fear of childbirth that can be triggered by even thinking or talking about pregnancy. Around 14% of women experience Tokophobia. It can predate a woman's first pregnancy or it can be a direct consequence of a previously traumatic delivery. Feeling a certain level of anxiety about childbirth can be a normal response however women who have a lot more severe thoughts and worries that are affecting their every day lives can be helped by Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy.


To find out more visit Birth Trauma Scotland


Tricia supports women and men who are anxious, worried and overwhelmed about getting pregnant, giving birth or being new parents. She will help you achieve a calm, positive and confident mindset so you can enjoy pregnancy, birth and parenthood. She does this through a variety of channels:




An online community with access to resources, programmes and classes. Get started with the great free resources bundle here


A four week preparation programme tailored specifically to you, identifying what your needs are to get you physically, mentally and emotionally ready to give birth. Learn how to use EFT as a pain relief method and vastly increase your knowledge allowing you to be fully informed about any choices you may need to make. Identify what you want to do in birth, build your birth plan and much more


These techniques can be successfully used to treat any issues, anxieties or fears you may have surrounding fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. Find out more information and testimonials here


Doulas are becoming increasingly popular to help mentally, physically and emotionally prepare and support women through pregnancy and birth. Our NHS services are fantastic but you may feel you just need a little bit more support or have more specific needs.


To support parents to gain knowledge and confidence to nurture their babies. These classes will help to inform you of what normal infant behaviour is so you know what to expect, know how to prepare positively and provide you with valuable evidence based information. The class looks at life after birth, postnatal care, recovery of mum, balancing needs of the family and where to turn for help.


A positive birth does not have to be 'natural' or 'drug free' - it simply has to be informed from a place of positivity as opposed to fear. The Positive Birth Movement is women centred and as such respects a woman's right to choose where and how she has her baby. You can birth with positivity in hospital or at home, with or without medical intervention. You can have a positive caesarean, or a positive home water birth. Positive Birth is about approaching birth realistically, having genuine choice, and feeling empowered by your experience.




The Positive Birth Group meet monthly in Edinburgh and West Lothian and are a place for ALL pregnant women and those who have in interest in talking about birth. They aim to be a helpful part of your pregnancy; a warm and welcoming place to to hear stories and ideas, to consider what you really want from your childbirth experience, and to challenge any fears or negative expectations you might have. Positive Birth Groups aim to complement your existing ante-natal input and they do not seek to replace medical advice. 


The Edinburgh Group meets (generally) the 3rd Sunday of every month 10.45am to 1pm.

The West Lothian Group meets the last Thursday of every month 10am to 11.30am.


Visit the website for more information and join their Facebook page to keep up to date with meetings and topics.



Based in East Lothian this service helps mums struggling with anxiety and depression in pregnancy and after their baby is born. Mums are matched up with highly trained perinatal befrienders. They offer emotional support to help tackle poor mental health and wellbeing. The befrienders  are there for them while they are pregnant, and until their baby is one. This relationship helps mum, her partner and immediate family as a result. They aim to improve parents' mental health, reduce social isolation and promote healthy attachments between baby and parents. 

If you are pregnant and answer 'yes' to any of the following questions the service could help you. Are you

  • worried about bonding with your baby?

  • concerned about perinatal depression/anxiety?

  • Diagnosed with mild to moderate perinatal depression/anxiety?

  • Feeling anxious or stressed about things you normally wouldn't be

  • Feeling alone?

  • Do you have limited support networks?

  • experiencing difficulties during your pregnancy

  • worried about giving birth?


For more information visit the website or contact or call 01875 632 055


Fiona is an experienced doula and offers pre and post birth exploration sessions which focus around your birth experience or your anticipation of giving birth.  Some times women have fears, anxieties or blockages that are best worked through prior to birth. Now and then for various reasons, women feel pressure from the medical system to follow certain procedures.  It is your body that they are talking about and only you can truly know best. You have the right to make the choices that are best for you and Fiona will help you to explore, become informed and make the choices that are right for you.


For more information visit the True Living Website


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